

時(shí)間:2011-07-20 15:51:21 [收藏]
上海體育休閑廣場(chǎng)展覽中心   一、 Product Lines Review & Sourcing Meeting 大型產(chǎn)品采購定貨會(huì )   Sinew Expo is able to provide all kinds of exhibition venues (ranging from 600 m2 to 6000 m2
    關(guān)鍵詞:上海 體育 休閑



    一、 Product Lines Review & Sourcing Meeting 大型產(chǎn)品采購定貨會(huì )


    Sinew Expo is able to provide all kinds of exhibition venues (ranging from 600 m2 to 6000 m2) for big buyers to host products sourcing meetings with each venue well-equipped with logistics, electrical, telecom, lighting and air-con services and support. You will only need to confirm your meeting time and arrange merchandisers participation, then leave the others coordination and arrangement work to our experienced service team. Your sourcing meeting can commence immediately once the suppliers arrive with their products. Our security will strictly guard your spaces and our execution and engineering team will be on standby during your event to make sure the event runs smoothly uninterrupted.


    我們?yōu)榇笮筒少徤烫峁?/span>6006000平米的展示場(chǎng)地來(lái)舉辦其大型采購定貨會(huì ),每個(gè)場(chǎng)地中都配備有齊全的運輸、電力、通訊、照明、空調設備。您只需選擇好檔期,然后安排采購人員進(jìn)駐,待供應商將產(chǎn)品送達后即可展開(kāi)整個(gè)產(chǎn)品采購定貨會(huì )。會(huì )議期間我們配有訓練有素的安保人員嚴格控制人員出入,保證您會(huì )議的私密性不受打擾,同時(shí)也會(huì )有現場(chǎng)執行及工程人員隨時(shí)待命,按您的要求提供各類(lèi)服務(wù)。


    二、 Business Meetings & Activities 各類(lèi)商務(wù)會(huì )議、展覽、活動(dòng)、特賣(mài)會(huì )


    Sinew Expo business meetings facilities includes 7 premium quality meeting rooms come in different sizes and complete with all kinds of supporting facilities like amplifier system, projector & projection screen, meeting tables & chairs and etc.


    我們擁有7間類(lèi)型不同、大小不同的高檔會(huì )議室,配備有音響、桌椅、投影儀等各類(lèi)會(huì )展設備來(lái)為您的重要商務(wù)活動(dòng)提供周到滿(mǎn)意的服務(wù)。


    Besides common business meeting events, the meeting rooms are also utilized by many buyers for activities like New Resource Review, Suppliers Training, Brand Releases and etc.


    除普通會(huì )議外,眾多優(yōu)秀企業(yè)還利用這些會(huì )議設施舉辦各類(lèi)商務(wù)會(huì )晤活動(dòng),如新供應商見(jiàn)面會(huì ),供應商培訓會(huì ),品牌發(fā)布會(huì )等。


    三、 Private Buy Meeting 供應商見(jiàn)面會(huì )


    Sourcing work can be very complicated and tiring especially when the volume is big, product categories are wide and especially when the vendors are in different location. In order to make your merchandisers sourcing activities more effective and efficient, Sinew expo has allocated some temporary showrooms for buyers to utilize in a buying event. These showrooms are made available with exhibition equipments like racks for product display and the rooms are lockable for security and safety. Buyers who organize this event will only need to confirm the meeting time and let the suppliers to approach our professional buyer service team to arrange their display room in accordance to their requirements. With the gathering of all suppliers in one location, your merchandisers will be able to organize and plan the meetings in a more efficient and timely manner.


    您的采購需求如此之大,采購產(chǎn)品種類(lèi)如此之多,是否讓您的采購人員終日奔波于公司工廠(chǎng)之間,耗費了大量的時(shí)間、財力、人力?展覽中心為方便采購商的這一需求,在2000間常年展示間中特辟一部分展示間作為買(mǎi)家服務(wù)區,專(zhuān)門(mén)為您的供應商提供與您集中會(huì )面的場(chǎng)所。在這些展示間內,私密性得到了很好的保證,并且配備有各類(lèi)展架以便供應商乘列他們的產(chǎn)品。您只需在確定檔期后,供應商直接聯(lián)系我們,我們將根據他們的需求安排好房間后再通知您,讓您的采購人員在很短的時(shí)間內一次性同所有的供應商完成會(huì )面。






    聯(lián)系人:付先生 13585867372







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